How can I contact the teacher?  dobson.joy@westada.org

What materials do I need to provide for my student to participate in Exploratory Art?
Students in Exploratory Art are provided with all the necessary materials they will need to complete their art projects. However, there are a few supplies/items that would be readily welcomed to enrich the Exploratory Art experience.  Please see the "Wish List" tab for the list of donation items.

I can see project grades are listed in Power Schools, but why has my child not brought home any of his/her completed artwork?
All of the projects completed during Exploratory Art are kept at school until the end of the nine week session. This is done for two reasons:

1. It is an invaluable part of the learning process for students to see their artistic growth by looking back at earlier work and reflecting on their progression as an artist. Students put forth a great amount of effort towards their artwork, but time is sometimes needed to fully appreciate their accomplishment. This can best be done by reviewing their portfolio at the end of the quarter.

2. I have learned that if artwork is passed back at various times througout the quarter, it often gets lost in a locker or binder, or destroyed at the bottom of a backpack. If a student is taking home a completed body of work however, there is a great sense of pride that comes with presenting the collection to parents, and it more often finds its way home.

Is student artwork displayed at the school?
Yes.  Student work is displayed throughout the quarter on the hallway bulletin boards outside the classroom.  Each student will have one work of art hung during the quarter. 

I try to post images of each quarter's hallway display on the website.  Please check the "Art on Display" tab near the end of the quarter to see current students' artwork.

What kind of wire is used to create the wire sculptures and where can I find it?
I use a plastic-coated flexible copper wire called Twisteez. A package of 50 30-inch pieces sells for about $11.00. Please see the link above for a list of distributors.

If your question was not answered by looking here, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank You!